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The global information charity USES a vending machine to provide daily necessities for the homeless.

A British charity has installed the world's first free vending machine in Nottingham, central England, to give the homeless access to daily necessities at any time.The agency hopes the plan will spread around the world.

The charity "Action Hunger" installs vending machines that can distribute water, fresh fruit, energy bars, tampons and socks.Most of the food comes from organizations trying to reduce food waste, including supermarkets and food Banks, while others buy from a charitable donation.

To ensure that machines are not abused, the agency provides a special key card to the homeless people in need of help.Each person can use up to three times a day and get three items.

The agency hopes to install vending machines in cities such as London, Manchester and Birmingham, France and Paris, and cities such as New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle.A report released by congress on Tuesday described Britain's homelessness as a "national crisis", referring to the government's "unacceptably complacent" attitude to the problem.

According to a congressional committee report, more than 9,100 people were on the streets in 2016, and more than 78,000 families, including 120,000 children, were homeless or living in temporary shelters.Another charity, Freedom4Girls, said some girls in the UK had to skip classes to stay at home because they had no money to buy sanitary products.Some poor women and girls use other items, such as bread, socks or toilet paper, during their menstrual periods.


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